Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Der Gepfefferte SprüchBeutel

roughly roughly translated:
The Peppered Bag of Maxims

sayings about morals and such

From the outside the bookstore looked a bit boring, On the window displays they had hardbacks and bestsellers. But I found this tiny book on the vintage book table in front of the store. After going in I realized that half of the store is vintage books. There were tons of teeny tiny books with lots of pictures. It was quite fun.
Moral of the story: never judge a bookstore by its storefront.


julianne said...

how teeny is tiny? it looks like it's a fairly medium sized thing, no?

you refer to yourself in the third person in your about sidebar thing! it makes me giggle!

julianne said...

hey! i forgot:
im signed up for 2 printmaking workshops this weekend with ksw!!

Anonymous said...

i like this, i am such a sucker for little drawings on pages.